Mini Charts back to catalogue Parameters Corner - display start corner (selected from the list) CandleMode - display mode: true - candles, false - bars ShowLastBidLine - enable/disable the last price line display LastBidShiftX - last price line shift by X axis (all shifts are used for more accurate display) LastBidShiftY - last price line shift by Y axis ColorLB - last price line color BarsToDisplay - amount of displayed bars/candles without the current one LineColor - line color (Doji candle) BullColor - bullish bar/candle color BearColor - bearish bar/candle color ScaleColor - scale color WindowNumber - number of a chart display window (0 - main window) CornerX - indent from a corner by X axis CornerY - indent from a corner by Y axis ChartWidth - width of each chart window ChartHeight - height of each chart window ShowChartsHL - enable/disable High/Low display PriceFontSizeHL - displayed High/Low font size PriceFontNameHL - displayed High/Low font name HiPriceLabelX - shift by X axis for High HiPriceLabelY - shift by Y axis for High HiPriceLabelClr - High price value color LoPriceLabelX - shift by X axis for Low LoPriceLabelY - shift by Y axis for Low LoPriceLabelClr - Low price value color ChartNameX - shift by X axis for symbol and timeframe value ChartNameY - shift by Y axis for symbol and timeframe value ChartNameFontName - symbol and timeframe value font name ChartNameFontSize - symbol and timeframe value font size ChartNameFontColor - symbol and timeframe value color ScaleStartY - shift by Y axis for the scale BarSpacingX - spacing between the charts Columns - amount of columns when placing charts in the window Rows - amount of rows when placing charts in the window SpacingColumns - spacing between the columns SpacingRows - spacing between the rows Symbol01 - symbol name; leave blank to use the current one TimeFrame01 - display period, select "CURRENT" for an empty value. All charts with any value different from CURRENT are displayed $ 400.00 Quantity Add to cart